Lesson - Naaman & Elisha and Craft

Lesson - Naaman & Elisha

Naaman was a warrior that needed to be healed. Elisha the prophet helped him. We learn about it in 2 Kings 5:1-17. This story shows us what God can do if we obey him; even if we think what we are being asked to do is small.

Apply the Lesson:

Let’s see if we can hear God speaking to us this week.  He might be telling you to help your parents make dinner or help your brother or sister clean up their toys.  Maybe you can spot SOMEONE ELSE doing God’s work by helping someone out without anything in return.

Craft - Naaman is Healed

For the craft you will need:

Download: Craft Worksheet Naaman is healed

Plus: crayons, Popsicle stick, paper or plastic cup and glue.